UNA-SF Mission and Purpose
UNA-USA, a Project of the Better World Fund (BWF) and in close collaboration with the United Nations Foundation (UNF), acts to inform, inspire and mobilize people who live in the United States to support the principles and vital work of the United Nations and to strengthen the United Nations system. UNA-USA encourages U.S. leadership to work constructively through the United Nations and encourages everyone to achieve the goals of the United Nations Charter. As a Chapter of UNA-USA, UNA-SF educates people within its jurisdiction about the invaluable work of the United Nations, raises funds locally, and carries out local education and advocacy activities related to the United Nations. Moreover, UNA-SF recruits, retains, and engages members within its geographic Jurisdiction in order to build a strong constituency of UN supporters.
Newsworthy events have been produced for United Nations Day, UN Charter Day, World Environment Day, International Women’s Day, Refugees Day, Humanitarian Day, Human Rights Day, International Jazz Day, and Children’s Day. The events have taken place at the San Francisco War Memorial Veterans Building, Fort Mason, Marina Green, Grace Cathedral, Fairmont Hotel, the University of San Francisco, San Francisco State University, and the Mechanic's Institute. Each venue has an historical role in framing global issues that intersect UN Member Nations with the United Nations.